There were a lot of people there. In fact, even though the class size (about 450) was similar to YS#1 graduation ceremony, I think the crowd was about twice the size! Also, the crowd was more casually dressed than at the University graduation. Given the heat in the arena, I can't really blame them. I took my coat off for the whole ceremony it was so warm. I couldn' resist taking a picture of this young fellow with a mohawk haircut:
Here is YS#2 receiving his diploma from the school principal:
I tried to get a good photo, but I was't quick enough. When the last student graduated, the principal stated "I now declare you to be graduated", ALL the students threw their caps up into the air. It was quite impressive, although in this photo you can barely see a hat or two:
By this time it was 9:30pm. We tried to meet at a steak house YS#2 receommended, but it was closed. We went to a nearby place instead, and enjoyed a good (but slow) dinner. I think every restaurant in the city was crowded from the graduation crowd going out to eat and celebrate. Here is YS#2 and his Proud Stumbling Parents:
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