Friday, November 28, 2008

Thanksgiving Outback

As I have in the past for Thanksgiving in Seoul, I headed off to the Outback Steak House at Balsan. I usually have a Ribeye Steak, which is what I had last night.

Along with a salad and baked (jacket) potato:

I had been interested in a steak that I saw advertised on TV. It is a steak wrapped in a layer of bread. I didn't see it on the menu, so I ordered the Ribeye. But after I ordered, I saw a separate, special menu which showed this new item - Wellington Steak.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looks good, particularly the Wellington, but... We had no Stumbling Engineer, but all of his cousins, parents, and children with a table full of roasted turkey, cooked to perfection, stuffed with pine nuts, livers, mushrooms, pecans, dried blueberries and cherries, celery, and many secret spics, another stuffing baked outside the bird made with pineapple and fluffy eggs, creamed spinach, butter flake rolls procured by the Stumbling Aunt in Greensboro, oranges stuffed with sweet potatoes and topped with tiny marshmallows and little umbrellas (went over well with the kids!), all washed down with delicious green tea with Korean ginsing, and finished off with pecan pie, chocolate cake, and hot coffee. Anybody can sear a steak, but only Mom can lay out a spread like that! We missed you!