Monday, February 25, 2008

Chicken Enchilada

I made some Chicken Enchilada Casserole in my new oven tonight. It worked out pretty well. CH was here in the early evening as the blind man installed the roll screens. He helped teach me how to defrost in this new oven. The casserole turned out pretty good. I added a new garnish this time, cut up some fresh tomatoes and put on the top.

I bought some green grapes at the store this weekend for snacking on:

Answer me this, Batman... when the tap water is not safe to drink, should you rinse off the grapes in the sink? Or eat them straight from the store? (I won't tell my answer, lest I confess to a sanitary faux pas...)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I rinsed them off with bottled water. Seemed obvious. You don't want to eat them as is because who knows what's on them. Organic fertilizer? Chemical fertilizer? Just crud from the fingers of other people picking them up and putting them down.